Accept crypto payments for Retail Stores

Retailers that accept Bitcoin open a world of opportunity, bringing new customers and creating a cutting-edge image for your brand.

Challenges Retailers Face Today:

Limited Customer Reach

Traditional payment methods may restrict your customer base. It's time to cater to the growing community of cryptocurrency users.

High Transaction Fees

Payment processors often charge significant fees. Cryptocurrency transactions can dramatically lower these costs.

Payment Security

Retailers must ensure transactions are secure. Blockchain's inherent security mitigates this risk.

Technological Updates

Staying ahead in retail often means adopting the latest technology. Cryptocurrency acceptance could be your next big step.

CPAY Integration with Your Platform

API Integration
Incorporate cryptocurrency payments into your existing systems with ease
Share the Link
Engage with customers via social media or messaging apps and get paid in crypto instantly.
Add Button
Embed a 'Pay in Crypto' button on your site, a beacon for crypto-savvy customers.
An advanced crypto payment solution integrated directly into your website.

Advantages of Cryptocurrency Accepted by Retailers

Flexible Payment Solutions

Attract a new market of crypto users with your forward-thinking payment options.

Low Transaction Fees

Reduce overheads with minimal fees for cryptocurrency transactions.

Enhanced Security

Leverage blockchain's inherent security to protect your transactions.

Future-Proof Your Business

Stay ahead of the curve by integrating the payment methods of tomorrow.

Ease of Integration

Seamlessly integrate crypto payments with our easy-to-use solutions.

Real-Time Payments

Get instant crypto retail payment confirmations, improving cash flow.

Supported Cryptocurrency

We can add new tokens within 24h
+100 other EVM
Control Cryptocurrency Retail Acceptance in Your Hands

Our mobile app for Bitcoin retailers enables you to handle crypto transactions easily.

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Got Questions? We're Here to Help!

Our team is always ready to assist you. For business inquiries and consultations, please drop us a message or reach out to us directly
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